Training and Qualification
Prof. Sabine Ernst trained mainly in Germany, but also in the US (Los Angeles and Boston) and Switzerland. Her clinical expertise is focused on catheter ablation of complex arrhythmia with a special emphasis on atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and arrhythmia in complex congenital heart disease. She is licensed as a Cardiologist Specialist at the General Medical Council since October 2007 when she moved to London.
Specialist Expertise
Before moving to the United Kingdom, Prof. Ernst was the Director of the magnetic navigation laboratory in Hamburg, Germany (Lead Prof. Dr. med. Kuck), where she and her team performed pioneering work in the field of complex arrhythmia treatment using remote navigation. She has the “Venia legendi” for Cardiology at the University of Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany (Privatdozentin since 2006) and is a Professor of Practice (Cardiology) at Imperial College, London.
International Work
Prof. Ernst takes an active part in major cardiology meetings across the world and actively collaborates with researchers in US, Canada, Europe and Asia. As well as making educational presentations, she has played a major role in training local teams in the use of advanced electrophysiology (EP) techniques. She is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC).
Board memberships
Prof. Ernst was a member of the educational committee of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). She was the inaugural Chair person for the Women in Electrophysiology Committee for EHRA in 2013/14 and is still a committee member. She served as a member of the Task Force on Atrial Fibrillation of the ESC in 2012 and served as the European representative in the membership committee of the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS). She is a founding member of the Electrophysiologist International Community Alliance (EPIC) and is also a board member of the PACES ACHD committee since 2018.